CoThink approach

How do you stimulate creative, critical and 'out of the box' thinking? We inspire and teach you 'HOW'. Because we believe that solving and preventing problems can be done faster, easier and more pragmatic, we developed the RATIO approach. A mix of methods and skills that have proven their worth through years of application in preventing, analyzing and solving problems. We use this approach in our daily work and also teach you how to do it.

Create order out of chaos - Better questions - |> Better answers - |> clarity.


RATIO has been innovated through years of experience in the field and is scalable for both small and very large, complex problems. RATIO adds a practical how to the who, what, when of existing processes. The result: maximum logical thinking power to get clear analyses, decisions and targeted risk assessments.

Brainpower requires expertise, connection, leadership, creativity and clear goals. A picture say more than a thousand words.

The power of visualization

Event Mapping is central to our approach. With this powerful method you visualize a problem or situation and its consequences. Factual and detailed. In addition to the causes and consequences, broken barriers and contributing circumstances are identified.

Event Mapping is a very effective tool for discussing what actually happened. Applicable internationally, regardless of culture. It is aimed at creating safety, clear communication and a focus on facts. As a result, there is no pitfall for opinions, assumptions or a question of guilt. An Event Map helps to determine urgency and clarify what your next step should be.

Here you will find cases that we have developed with Event Mapping.

Therefore RATIO

  • uses logical thinking power
  • complies with IEC 62740 for Root Cause Analysis
  • visual approach for faster insights
  • designed to facilitate effective collaboration
  • stimulates learning ability
  • saves time and money

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Our expertise


Solving and preventing problems. A CoThink Facilitator helps you to get to a clear picture. We guide with a transparent process and build trust. Through this way of working you get answers to complex issues, you solve problems faster and you save valuable time.


A CoThink training is an experience. Passionate trainers offer methodologies and skills that will be immediately applied . Customised to your needs. At our offices, your location, worldwide and online. You can ànd want to apply the new skills directly in your daily work. Want to learn real skills for life?


You want to accomplish your ambitions, company goals and deliver reliable quality. Often things have to change first. We know how to do that. Together we will look at your operational processes and everything that comes with it. From the (worldwide) implementation of new working methods to improving team communication.